In this section, I am going to take you through different components and parts of transparent kayak. With this information, I am sure you can choose a suitable kayak that meets your specific needs.
These parts include the;
3.1. Kayak Paddle
What is a paddle?
A paddle is a tool/equipment used to push against the water.
A kayak paddle, therefore, is a device that allows you to propel the kayak through the water. It has a great significance on your performance in the water.
Understand that even a short tour on the water requires lots of strokes, a paddle through your strength. Therefore, it facilitates your craft’s movement through the water body.
It gives you the ability to control a kayak on water as well as the opportunity to explore anywhere on the river, lake or sea.
Kayak paddles come in many varieties, for example, they come in different:
- Material type
- Lengths
- Blade and shaft shapes
Quite a number are made from aluminum, plastic, wood, fiberglass, and carbon fiber.
Their design is more like a spade with a rod and a handle. That is, a rod with a blade attach on one or both ends.
Ultimately, though, a suitable paddle should be one that gives you total control of your kayak. Basically, it should be one that allows you to explore anywhere without any limitations.
3.2. Kayak Motor
Paddling a kayak through rough waters can be very tiring. For a fact, you may not enjoy the kayaking activity at all.
You don’t have to worry about this again – thanks to kayak motors.
It is easier to enjoy leisure time in sightseeing and relaxation without wasting energy.
A kayak motor provides a kind of machine-generated paddling. It provides a work free type of paddling.
This is helpful for those who don’t want to use lots of energy manually paddling their kayaks.
A kayak motor allows you to use the craft with much ease and enjoyment. It helps you sail through the water smoothly and quietly.
The bottom line:
Kayak motor will make you concentrate more on the fun part of kayaking and not just on the boat direction and sound.
3.3. Kayak Seats
You can only enjoy kayaking when you’re comfortable – a reason why you need kayak seats.
With kayak seats, you will enjoy every moment you spend on the water. You can sit comfortably for long hours.
Modern kayaks come with high quality and comfortable seats. They provide the necessary support for both your back and legs.
Kayak seats come in a variety of options. You can go for inbuilt or removable types.
Alternatively, you may consider hard and rigid or soft seats. I mean, the options are endless.
Furthermore, there are the multi adjustable seats. Therefore, you can adjust the sitting height and position.
Guess what?
Your transparent kayak will be very comfortable.
3.4. Kayak Frame
A kayak frame is a structural component that gives the kayak its cross-sectional shape.
It is basically the skeleton of the kayak.
For kayaks, there are two types of frames:
- Sit-On-Top (SOT) frame
- Sit-In frame.
The SOT allows you to sit in a recessed seat on the deck of the craft – instead of the in the cockpit, which is in the hull of the kayak.
This frame design is:
- Broader
- More stable
- Self-bailing which provides for easy access into and out of the kayak
The Sit-In frame type, on the other hand, requires you to literally sit in the hull, or cockpit of the kayak. It kinds of gives you more control of the vessel compared to the Sit-On-Top frame.
This frame offers more versatility than the SOT and also tends to have more extensive storage space for your kayaking gear.
This Sit-In frame is mostly suited for fresh water.
3.5. Kayak Hull
The hull is the main body of the kayak.
It includes the bottom, sides, and deck of the craft. And in this case, it is made of the transparent polycarbonate material.
Like the frames, there are two types of kayak hulls:
- Displacement hull
- Planing
The displacement hull brings about a more traditional style shape of a kayak. This type of hull comes with a line of symmetry that runs from the rear (stern) to the front (bow) of the bottom of the hull.
The a bottom of displacement hull is mostly round which makes it roll from side to side when on the water.
Planning hulls are mostly found in play kayaks. This type features flat bottoms and angled sides that allow it to plow through the water at relatively low speeds.
The main difference between the two types of the hull is how they move through the water. The first type moves by pushing water aside or by displacing (the reason for its name) an equal amount of water.
Basically, the amount of water that displacement hulls displace is often equal to the weight of the kayak. It never rises above or onto the surface of the water.
The second type which is the planning hull also works by displacing an equal amount of water. However, this type is designed to rise out of the water and ride on the surface when they reach a certain speed.
Their planning speed varies with each kayak, depending on its particular hull design.
And, by the way:
Hull plays a significant role in the purpose of the kayak and how far and for you use it for.
Therefore, understanding the difference in the two types is quite significant when buying your first kayak. This knowledge will help you get a kayak that is capable of fulfilling the purpose for which you intend to use it.
3.6. Kayak Airbag
Like most automotive devices, kayaks also have airbags today.
Most of you may wonder; an airbag?
And, what are they for?
Well, airbags in kayaks are an added safety feature. They help to keep the vessel afloat in case it capsizes.
I know you’d not want to hear this, but it is the reality:
When a kayak submerges in water, the possibility of it filling up with water if it doesn’t have an airbag is very high.
And when this happens, it can be tough to paddle or move it. It can be tricky for you to turn it upside down to drain the water.
It is because of such possibilities that kayak airbags are made available today. They help prevent water from filling up your vessel in the event it capsizes.
Generally, they make kayak easier to retrieve in the above situations.
3.7. Kayak Balance Float
Sometimes, kayaking can have its challenges. You may end up getting into the water either by choice or when your boat capsizes.
In this case, you will need to do a self-recovery – get yourself back into the boat.
Normally, this is not an easy thing to do on a boat that is on water.
In this case, a balance float could be helpful.
Balance float?
Yes, this is a floatation device that helps to provide stability to an unstable vessel.
Such that when your kayak gets submerged, you can use it to help provide balance for your kayak. That is, when you are trying to get back in from the water when it is upright.
3.8. Removable Rudder
The rudder is the long, narrow fin-like a blade that runs from the stern of your kayak into the water.
This device can be moved from side to side affecting the flow of the water. As a result, it changes the direction which the kayak sails.
It is a steering device ideally meant to provide you with the ability to control your kayak during rough conditions. It plays an important role in crosswinds when the kayak starts to misbehave.
A removable rudder, therefore, is one that can be detached with ease from the kayak.
3.9. Kayak Roof
Kayak roofs also known as canopies, or Biminis will protect you from harsh weather conditions. These may include extremely harsh sun radiations or rainy weather.
So, basically, it will protect even the seat covers, cushions, etc.
These roofs are made of:
- Folding metal frame
- Cloth cover
- Protective storage “boot” designed to snap or zip around the roof when it is kayak stows
The roof/canopy/Bimini mounts onto the deck of the kayak with a pair of main hinges. These hinges attach on either side of the vessel and support the roof.
Of course, this will be in the up position while allowing it to fold down along the deck when not in use.
In short, these are the main components of transparent kayak.
Having said that, now, why should you go for a transparent kayak made from a solid polycarbonate sheet?